Link Ninja

A serverless Telegram bot that replaces twitter links with, or your own instances of either šŸ±ā€šŸ‘¤

This has two components: the bot itself, and a database. Iā€™ll start with the database since itā€™ll have to be defined first to be used by the bot.

Nearly all imports used by functions are imported first (outside the function) since they will be used very frequently.


This will store various user info and bot settings and will be used internally by our bot.

Iā€™m using Base by, itā€™s a serverless NoSQL database with unlimited storage. Very convenient!

Note: if you want to store data differently, modify the database functions

What data will be stored?

  • Dates are UTC in the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:00, in code this is %d-%m-%Y %H:00 (see Python strftime cheatsheet for more formats).
  • key is required and needs to be unique; keys are automatically generated by Deta if not provided.
  • chat_id is a unique value given by Telegram and will be used as the key in settings since each chat_id needs to be entered only once.
  • ULIDs (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers) are used as keys everywhere else and order is is preserved here since data in Bases are ordered by key.


Bot settings for each chat

[{'key': '1111',
  'signature': False,
  'twitter': ''}]


Everyone who pressed /start in a private chat with our bot

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'private chat id': 1111,
  'user id': 1111}]


total-users minus people who stopped/blocked our bot

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'private chat id': 1111,
  'user id': 1111}]


Count of how many links were replaced

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'chat id': 1111,
  'links replaced': 69}]


All groups our bot was added to

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'group chat id': 2222}]


Current groups our bot is in

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'group chat id': 2222}]


Current list of users added as admins

[{'date': '02-10-2022 17:00',
  'key': '01BJQMF54D093DXEAWZ6JYRPAQ',
  'user id': 1111}]

Get a Project Key from Deta

To get started, make an account on or log into, create a new project and save your Project Key as an evironment variable PROJECT_KEY.

See their docs if you need any help:


Handy functions our bot talk will use to talk to its database.

# Initialize with a Project Key
deta = Deta(os.environ["PROJECT_KEY"])


For this the key in our database will have to be unique so weā€™ll be using chat IDs

def update_setting_signature(chat_id, signature = True):
    create or update setting: signature

    # connect to or create database.
    db = deta.Base("settings")

    # keys have to be unique so it's the chat_id
    # unix timestamps could've been used as keys but then chat_id will be re-added each time signature is updated
    # since the items are fetched by chat_ids and not keys
    settings = db.update(
            "signature": signature
        key = str(chat_id)

    print(f"signature updated")


 update_setting_signature (chat_id, signature=True)

create or update setting: signature

def update_setting_domain(chat_id, domain = "fxtwitter."):
    create or update setting: domain

    db = deta.Base("settings")

    settings = db.update(
            "twitter": domain
        key = str(chat_id)

    print(f"twitter domain updated")


 update_setting_domain (chat_id, domain='fxtwitter.')

create or update setting: domain

def default_settings(chat_id, signature = True, domain = ""):
    "set default settings"

    db = deta.Base("settings")

    settings = db.put(
            "signature": signature, 
            "twitter": domain,
            "key": str(chat_id)

    print(f"settings set to default: {settings}")


 default_settings (chat_id, signature=True, domain='')

set default settings

def get_settings(chat_id):
    get settings for a chat


    db = deta.Base("settings")

    settings = db.fetch({"key": str(chat_id)}).items

    if bool(settings):
        print("Settings exist")
        return settings[0]
    else: # if list is empty a record for the user hasn't been created
        print("chat settings doesn't exist; creating new/default settings for this chat")

        # set default settings - signature: on, domain: fxtwitter
        settings = db.fetch({"key": str(chat_id)}).items

        return settings[0]


 get_settings (chat_id)

get settings for a chat

usage: get_settings["signature"] get_settings["domain"]

def delete_setting(chat_id):
    deletes a user from a database if they exist in it

    db = deta.Base("settings")

    key = str(chat_id)

    delete = db.get(key)

    # if exists, delete
    if bool(delete):
        print(f"settings of {chat_id} deleted")
        print(f"settings of user {chat_id} don't exist")


 delete_setting (chat_id)

deletes a user from a database if they exist in it


Makes handling info from the database more convenient

def fetch_all(database_name):
    fetches the whole database

    this is from deta's docs:

    db = deta.Base(database_name)
    res = db.fetch()
    all_items = res.items

    # fetch until last is 'None'
    while res.last:
        res = db.fetch(last=res.last)
        all_items += res.items   

    return all_items


 fetch_all (database_name)

fetches the whole database

this is from detaā€™s docs:

def database_to_dataframe(database_name):
    fetches the whole database and converts it to a pandas dataframe

    import pandas as pd

    all_items = fetch_all(database_name=database_name)

    return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_items)


 database_to_dataframe (database_name)

fetches the whole database and converts it to a pandas dataframe


Unix timespams will be used as keys so order can be preserved.

def save_user(chat_id, user_id, database_name):
    save private chat ids to a database


    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    # check if user exists
    check = db.fetch({"private chat id": chat_id, "user id": user_id}).items

    if bool(check):
        print(f"user already exists in {database_name}")
        # unix timestamps used as keys
        user = db.put(
                "private chat id": chat_id, 
                "user id": user_id,
                "date":"%d-%m-%Y %H:00"),

        print(f"added to {database_name}: {user}")


 save_user (chat_id, user_id, database_name)

save private chat ids to a database

def delete_user(chat_id, user_id, database_name):
    deletes a user from a database if they exist in it

    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    delete = db.fetch(
        "private chat id": chat_id,
        "user id": user_id

    # if exists, delete
    if bool(delete):
        key = delete[0]["key"]
        print(f"user {user_id} deleted from {database_name}")
        print(f"user {user_id} not in {database_name}")


 delete_user (chat_id, user_id, database_name)

deletes a user from a database if they exist in it

Blocked users are deleted from current-users. If you want to maintain a separate blocked database, use the commented out code at the end of update_users()

def update_users(chat_id, user_id, blocked=False):
    save private chat ids to "total users" and "current users"

    total users: all users who have started the bot
    blocked: users who have blocked the bot (NOT done by default)
    current users:  total users - blocked


    if blocked == False:
        databases = ["total-users", "current-users"]

        for database in databases:
            save_user(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, database_name=database)

    else: # delete blocked user from current-users
        delete_user(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, database_name="current-users")

    # dealing with blocked users with a separate "blocked" database
    # else:
    #     save_user(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id, database_name="blocked")

    #     # blocked = deta.Base("blocked")
    #     current = deta.Base("current-users")

    #     # get all items from blocked list
    #     all_blocked = fetch_all(database_name="blocked")
    #     # search for blocked users in current users
    #     remove_from_current = current.fetch(all_blocked).items

    #     # get the keys for items to remove from current
    #     for item in remove_from_current:
    #         # and delete
    #         current.delete(item["key"])
    #         print(f"{item['user id']} removed from current users")


 update_users (chat_id, user_id, blocked=False)

save private chat ids to ā€œtotal usersā€ and ā€œcurrent usersā€

total users: all users who have started the bot blocked: users who have blocked the bot (NOT done by default) current users: total users - blocked


def save_admin(user_id, database_name):
    save admin user ids to a database


    # connect to or create database.
    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    # check if user exists
    check = db.fetch({"user id": user_id}).items

    if bool(check):
        print(f"user already exists in {database_name}")
        # unix timestamps used as keys
        user = db.put(
                "user id": user_id,
                "date":"%d-%m-%Y %H:00"),

        print(f"added to {database_name}: {user}")


 save_admin (user_id, database_name)

save admin user ids to a database

def delete_admin(user_id, database_name):
    deletes an admin from a database if they exist in it

    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    delete = db.fetch(
        "user id": user_id

    # if exists, delete
    if bool(delete):
        key = delete[0]["key"]
        print(f"admin {user_id} deleted from {database_name}")
        print(f"admin {user_id} not in {database_name}")


 delete_admin (user_id, database_name)

deletes an admin from a database if they exist in it

def update_admins(user_id, action="add"):
    "add or remove users from the admin database"

    if action=="add":
        return save_admin(user_id=user_id, database_name="admins")

    elif action=="remove":
        return delete_admin(user_id=user_id, database_name="admins")

        print("action needs to be either 'add' or 'remove'")


 update_admins (user_id, action='add')

add or remove users from the admin database


def update_message_count(chat_id):
    save and update messages/links seen


    # connect to or create database.
    db = deta.Base("message-stats")

    # check if todays date exists in records
    # incremenet message count if yes
    # chat id used as keys
    # unix timestamps used as keys
    check = db.fetch(
            "chat id": chat_id, 
            "date":"%d-%m-%Y %H:00")

    if bool(check):

        # get key from existing record
        key = check[0]["key"]

     # use the same key to update an existing record
        messages = db.update(
                "links replaced": db.util.increment(1)
            key = key

        print(f"message count updated for chat: {chat_id} at key: {key}")

    else: # create record
        messages = db.put(
                "date":"%d-%m-%Y %H:00"),
                "chat id": chat_id, 
                "links replaced": int(1),

        print(f"record created: {messages}")


 update_message_count (chat_id)

save and update messages/links seen


Similar functions to Users but for groups.

def save_group(chat_id, database_name):
    save group chat ids to a database


    # connect to or create database.
    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    # check if user exists
    check = db.fetch({"group chat id": chat_id}).items

    if bool(check):
        print(f"user already exists in {database_name}")
        # unix timestamps used as keys
        group = db.put(
                "group chat id": chat_id,
                "date":"%d-%m-%Y %H:00"),

        print(f"added to {database_name}: {group}")


 save_group (chat_id, database_name)

save group chat ids to a database

def delete_group(chat_id, database_name):
    deletes a group from a database if it exists in it

    db = deta.Base(database_name)

    delete = db.fetch(
        "group chat id": chat_id

    # if exists, delete
    if bool(delete):
        key = delete[0]["key"]
        print(f"group {chat_id} deleted from {database_name}")
        print(f"group {chat_id} not in {database_name}")


 delete_group (chat_id, database_name)

deletes a group from a database if it exists in it

def update_groups(chat_id, removed=False):
    save group chat ids to "total groups" and "current groups"

    total groups: all users who have started the bot
    current groups:  total users - blocked


    if removed == False:
        databases = ["total-groups", "current-groups"]

        for database in databases:
            save_group(chat_id=chat_id, database_name=database)

    else: # delete blocked user from current-groups
        delete_group(chat_id=chat_id, database_name="current-groups")


 update_groups (chat_id, removed=False)

save group chat ids to ā€œtotal groupsā€ and ā€œcurrent groupsā€

total groups: all users who have started the bot current groups: total users - blocked


def get_message_count(chat_id):
    gets stats (number of links replaced) for a given chat id


    import pandas as pd

    # connect to or create database.
    db = deta.Base("message-stats")

    # get data for a sepcific chat id
    data = db.fetch(
            "chat id": chat_id

    # load into pandas and group by the chat id column
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)

        df = df.groupby('chat id', as_index=False).sum()
        messages = df['links replaced'][0]
    except: # if there's 0 messages for the chat
        messages = 0    

    return messages


 get_message_count (chat_id)

gets stats (number of links replaced) for a given chat id

def all_stats():
    get stats on number of users, chats and messages

    it returns five variables: users, groups, messages, total_users, total_groups


    users = database_to_dataframe("current-users")\
            ["private chat id"].count()

        groups = database_to_dataframe("current-groups")\
                ["group chat id"].count()
        groups = 0

    messages = database_to_dataframe("message-stats")\
            ["links replaced"].sum()

    total_users = database_to_dataframe("total-users")\
            ["private chat id"].count()

    total_groups = database_to_dataframe("total-groups")\
            ["group chat id"].count()

    return users, groups, messages, total_users, total_groups


 all_stats ()

get stats on number of users, chats and messages

it returns five variables: users, groups, messages, total_users, total_groups

def admin_stats():
    shows number of admins


    admins = database_to_dataframe("admins")\
            ["user id"].count()

    return admins


 admin_stats ()

shows number of admins

The bot

Our bot will do something when it sees a command like /start or notices a link that needs to be sneakily [or not so sneakily] replaced

  • Built using

Create a Telegram bot

Chat with to create a new Telegram bot and save the API token as an environment variable BOT_TOKEN.

Instantiate our bot! šŸ¤–

bot = telebot.TeleBot(os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"])


  • Sends a welcome message; only avilable in a private chat.
  • Updates our database:
    • Creates a new user entry in total-users and current-users if it doesnā€™t exist.
    • Default: if someone is restarting our bot after blocking, theyā€™ll be added back to current-users.
    • Optional: blocked is updated if our bot is restarted. See the commented out delete_user().
@bot.message_handler(commands=['start'], chat_types=['private'])
def send_welcome(message):
    "send a message when `/start` is sent in a private chat"

    # delete_user(,, database="blocked") # use only for having a separate "blocked" database
    update_users(,, blocked=False)
    default_settings(, signature=False)

    text="Welcome to Link Ninja! \n\n" \
    "This bot will replace all Twitter links with by default. \n" \
    "You can change this to or a custom domain. \n\n" \
    "Use /help to see how it works."

    bot.reply_to(message, text)


 send_welcome (message)

send a message when /start is sent in a private chat


  • Signature /signature on or off to show the original link along with who sent it

  • Domain /domain {domain.tld} to change the domain from the default

A message with a defined /{command} will be heard by our bot. To know what settings to change, our bot will accept messages in the format /{setting name} {setting update}.

For example /signature on or /domain

The setting will be parsed from the message like this:

message = "/signature on"

Whitespace is removed first

message.replace(" ", "")

Then split at the command

message.replace(" ", "").split('/signature')
['', 'on']

And finally, the setting itself is selected

message.replace(" ", "").split('/signature')[1]

Only admins should be able to change settings in a group chat, so lets make a function for that.

It will return True if the user is an admin, owner or itā€™s a private chat.

def is_admin(chat_id, user_id):
    check whether a user is an admin
    works in both private and groups chats

    if bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id).status in ['creator', 'administrator']:
        admin = True
        admin = False

    if bot.get_chat(chat_id).type == "private" or admin == True:
        return True
        return False


 is_admin (chat_id, user_id)

check whether a user is an admin

works in both private and groups chats

def signature_setting(message):
    "changes `/signature` setting"

    if is_admin(,

        signature = message.text.replace(" ", "").split('/signature')[1]

        if signature == 'on':
            update_setting_signature(, signature=True)
            bot.reply_to(message, "Signatures turned on")
        elif signature == 'off':
            update_setting_signature(, signature=False)
            bot.reply_to(message, "Signatures turned off")
            bot.reply_to(message, 'Use "/signature on" or "/signature off"')

        bot.reply_to(message, "Beg your superior admin to change this setting")


 signature_setting (message)

changes /signature setting

def domain_setting(message):
    "changes `/domain` setting"

    if is_admin(,

        custom_domain = message.text.replace(" ", "").split('/domain')[1]

        if custom_domain == 'reset':
            update_setting_domain(, domain="")
            bot.reply_to(message, "Reset to")
        elif validators.domain(custom_domain):
            update_setting_domain(, domain=custom_domain)
            bot.reply_to(message, f"Custom domain set to {custom_domain}")
            bot.reply_to(message, 'Use the format "/domain" or reset with "/domain reset"')

        bot.reply_to(message, "Beg your superior admin to change this setting")


 domain_setting (message)

changes /domain setting

Bot added or removed

When our bot is added to a group

What do we do? ~Celebrate! šŸ„³~ Update our group database.

What about for private chat? Thatā€™s done in send_welcome() when someone sends /start to our dear bot šŸ™‚.

Got blocked? :(

Those losers need to get removed (from our database šŸ˜‡).

def added_or_blocked(message: telebot.types.ChatMemberUpdated):
    "updates our database when added to a group"

    new = message.new_chat_member

    if new.status in ["member", "creator", "administrator"]:
        if == "group":
            update_groups(, removed=False)
            print(f"added to group: {}")

    if new.status not in ["member", "creator", "administrator"] or new.status == "kicked":
        if == "group":
            update_groups(, removed=True)
            print(f"got removed from group: {}")

        if == "private":
            update_users(,, blocked=True)
            print(f"got blocked in private chat: {}")


 added_or_blocked (message:telebot.types.ChatMemberUpdated)

updates our database when added to a group


Shows count of links replaced in chat chat the command is used.

def message_count(message):
    "Show message count for the chat this command is used in"

    stats = get_message_count(

    text=f"{stats} links replaced by Link Ninja in this chat"

    bot.reply_to(message, text)


 message_count (message)

Show message count for the chat this command is used in


Shows total count of chats and messages

def signature_setting(message):
    "show all bot stats"

    users, groups, messages, total_users, total_groups = all_stats()

    text="<b>Link Ninja stats</b> \n\n" \
    f"<i>All time</i> \n" \
    f"Links replaced: {messages} \n" \
    f"Users: {total_users} \n" \
    f"Groups: {total_groups} \n\n" \
    f"<i>Current</i> \n" \
    f"Users: {users} \n" \
    f"Groups: {groups} \n" \

    bot.reply_to(message, text, parse_mode="HTML")


 signature_setting (message)

show all bot stats

Admin commands

These commands will only work for pre-approved users. The first user will be you!

Get your user ID with and save it as an environment variable YOUR_USER_ID.

def is_bot_admin(user_id):
    "checks if a user is an admin or creator of the bot"

        added_admins = list(database_to_dataframe("admins")["user id"])
        print("admin dataframe/database empty")
        added_admins = []

    if os.environ["YOUR_USER_ID"] == str(user_id):
        print("creator used an admin command")
        return True
    elif user_id in added_admins:
        print(f"{user_id} used an admin command")
        return True
        print("some rando used an admin command")


 is_bot_admin (user_id)

checks if a user is an admin or creator of the bot

/admin {option}

Available options: - send Reply to a message with /admin send to private message all bot update_users. - delete (to do/enhancement - this doesnā€™t work yet) Reply to the message that was sent to delete it in the private chat of all users. - add Add other admins; forward a message to your private chat with the bot from the user you want to add as admin, then reply tthe forwarded message with /admin add. - remove Remove an admin that was added; works the same as add. - count Shows number of admins. - help Shows avilable commands and what theyā€™re for.

@bot.message_handler(commands=['admin'], chat_types=['private'])
def admin(message):
    handles admin commands in private chat

    avilable options:
    * send - sends a message to all bot user in private chat
    * add - add new admin
    * remove - remove admin
    * count - show current number of admins 
    * help - show avilable commands and what they're for

    if is_bot_admin(

        admin = message.text.replace(" ", "").split('/admin')[1]

        if admin == 'help':
            text="<b>Link Ninja admin commands</b> \n\n" \
            "Format: /admin {command} \n\n" \
            "send - reply to a message with this to copy and send to all bot users in private chat \n" \
            "add - add new admin \n" \
            "remove - remove admin \n" \
            "count - show current number of admins \n" \
            "help - show avilable commands and what they're for" \

            bot.reply_to(message, text, parse_mode="HTML")

        elif admin == 'send':
            forward_to = database_to_dataframe("current-users")

            for chat_id in forward_to["private chat id"]:
                bot.copy_message(chat_id=chat_id,, message_id=message.reply_to_message.message_id)
            # update_settings(, signature=True)
            bot.reply_to(message, f"message sent to {len(forward_to['private chat id'])} users")
        # elif admin == 'delete':
        #     forward_to = database_to_dataframe("current-users")

        #     for chat_id in forward_to["private chat id"]:
        #         # note: this needs the message ID of every message sent which has to be saved to our database when `/admin send` is used
        #         # it will need to iterate through message IDs
        #         bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message.reply_to_message.message_id)

        #     bot.reply_to(message, f"message deleted from {len(forward_to['private chat id'])} chats")

        elif admin == 'add':
            update_admins(, action="add")
            admins = admin_stats()
            bot.reply_to(message, f"admin added; there are now {admins+1} admins")

        elif admin == 'remove':
            update_admins(, action="remove")
                admins = admin_stats()
            except: # if all admins have been removed and dataframe is empty
                admins = 0
            bot.reply_to(message, f"admin removed; there are now {admins+1} admins")

        elif admin == 'count':
                admins = admin_stats()
                bot.reply_to(message, f"there are {admins+1} admins")
            except: # if admins doesn't exist yet because no additional admins have been added
                bot.reply_to(message, "there's no additional admins")

            bot.reply_to(message, "Available commands are: send, add, remove, count and help")
            bot.send_message(, "Use `/admin help` to learn more", parse_mode="MarkdownV2")

        bot.reply_to(message, "Non admins get rekt. Send $1000 for forgiveness")


 admin (message)

handles admin commands in private chat

avilable options: * send - sends a message to all bot user in private chat * add - add new admin * remove - remove admin * count - show current number of admins * help - show avilable commands and what theyā€™re for


Explans how the bot works and shows the available settings.

@bot.message_handler(commands=['help'], chat_types=['private'])
def admin(message):
    send help message in private chat

    text="<b>Link Ninja info</b> \n\n" \
    "<b>What does it do?</b> \n" \
    "- Replaces links with \n" \
    "- You can change it to or your own nitter domain. \n\n" \
    "<b>How do you use it?</b> \n" \
    "- Just send a link. Only messages containing just the link will be replaced. \n" \
    "- @LinkNinjaBot needs to be added as an admin to work in groups. \n\n" \
    "<b>Settings</b> \n" \
    "Format: /setting {options} \n\n" \
    "/signature {on/off} \n" \
    "- <code>/signature on</code> sends the message with the replaced link, the original link and who it was sent by. \n" \
    "- By default it's off in private chats and on in group chats. \n\n" \
    "/domain {your domain/reset} \n" \
    "- Choose the domain to replace with. \n" \
    "- <code>/domain reset</code> changes it back to" \

    bot.reply_to(message, text, parse_mode="HTML")


 admin (message)

send help message in private chat

How to run/deploy?

Note: itā€™ll be easier to create a separate bot for testing and deploying; if you create a webhook for a bot, polling wonā€™t work untill the webhook is deleted


This is ideal for deployment since telegram can send updates to our server without us having to keep checking/polling for updates

To create a webhook, weā€™ll have to create a domain and register that with telegram. To do that, open this URL:<bot_token>/setWebhook?url=<webhook_url>

or optionally with a secret token (like a password):<bot_token>/setWebhook?url=<webhook_url>&secret_token=<secret_token>

You can see the status of your webhook with:<bot_token>/getWebhookInfo

And delete your webhooks with:<bot_token>/deleteWebhook

For more info on webhooks:



Weā€™ll be deploying with Deta becase itā€™s both free and convenient šŸ˜ƒ

Note that they require the file to be named

To make things easier, weā€™ll use the webhook functions from our bot library

Create a domain on and save that as an environment variable called DOMAIN. Follow this guide for a detailed walk through:

An optional environment variable you can set is WEBHOOK_PASSWORD, which is an added bit of security.

# check if a webhook already exists
if bot.get_webhook_info().url != f'{os.environ["DOMAIN"]}/{os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"]}':


        webhook_url=f'{os.environ["DOMAIN"]}/{os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"]}', # https://yourdomain.tld/bot_token
        secret_token=os.environ["WEBHOOK_PASSWORD"], # remove if you don't want to set one


Use this for testing; much easier since it doesnā€™t require any set up!

If youā€™ve already created a webhook for a bot that you now want to use polling for, re-enable polling with:<bot_token>/getUpdates
# bot.infinity_polling(
#     allowed_updates=telebot.util.update_types,
#     skip_pending=True)